CALAWAY2.ZIP 23,316 08-03-90 Callaway Golf Handicapping System
CGPROI.ZIP 562,870 05-11-94 COMPLETE GOLF PRO by Complete Golf Systems.Complete Golf Pro is a golf handicapping andGame Analysis program for calculating USGAand Trend Handicap Indexes for 1 to as manyplayer demographics, performance stats,
DBK319A.ZIP 337,396 05-23-91 Double Bogey Killer Golf Stats System [1/2]
DBK319B.ZIP 343,157 05-23-91 Double Bogey Killer Golf Stats System [2/2]
GAMHLP1.ZIP 238,372 06-01-94 GameHelp version 1 - Golf Statistics andAnalysis. See where your game needsimprovement. Shows driving accuracy andgreens in regulation, putts, penalties,averages for Par3's, 4's and 5's. Maintain
GHC31A.ZIP 482,917 07-19-94 Golf Handicapper - keeps track of your golfscores and calculate certain statisticsincluding your handicap. This version islimited to saving 5 scores. Requires WIN31and VBRUN300.
GHCAPV23.ZIP 99,113 06-17-92 THE "GOLFER'S" HANDICAP SYSTEM This programwill allow a golfer to keep his own uses the latest standards, as published bythe USGA, for calculating a golfer'shandicap. It explains in detail ex- actly how
GLFCP201.ZIP 256,509 06-12-93 Golf Handicap v2.01. Database program forgolfers that comprises of 3 seperatedatabases for golfers' names, golfers' scoresand one for the courses w/report generation.
GLFHCP45.ZIP 82,483 09-25-94 GOLFHCAP.EXE v4.5 <ASP><ASAD>- A program tofacilitate scorekeeping and the calculationof the players Golf Handicap Index in accor-dance with the new Slope System. The programwill also print Membership Lists, Labels,
GMHLP214.ZIP 417,368 04-21-95 GameHelp v2.14 - Golf Handicapping and PlayerStatistics - Calculate handicaps for 9 and 18hole rounds, with stroke control. Maintainpercentages and averages for many aspects offeatures (including mouse).
GOLF43.ZIP 62,483 11-23-94 GOLF 4.3 This is a program to calculate thegolf handicap of up to 255 individuals whomay have played on up to 255 courses. Itprovides the ability to add players andcourses. These limits could be increased to
GOLF95I.ZIP 248,118 05-30-95 [ GolfLog ] GolfLog v9.5i A Golf handicappingsystem. Maintain stats for 8 Golfers, 4000Games. Determines HANDICAP Index and a CourseHANDICAP. Provides Summary for each Golferthe PGA touring Pro's. This program is
GOLFANL.ZIP 139,618 03-07-90 Golf Analyzer Program. Gives You Tips On HowTo Improve Your Golf Game.
GOLFCLB2.ZIP 251,302 05-16-95 GolfClub v2.0a Handicap system & database forGolf and Country Clubs. Maintains all statsfor 2,500 Golfers, 65,000 Games, and 1,000Courses. Determines HANDICAP Index along withproviding 40+ individual stats like those
GOLFH42.ZIP 54,002 10-04-94 Golf Handicapper 4.2. Stores any number ofscores for any number of players andautomatically calculates their index andhandicap for each game. Can be used byindividual players, teams, or entire golf
GOLFHCP4.ZIP 69,100 12-19-90 Golf Handicap System
GOLFMAN.ZIP 75,671 05-26-94 Golf League Management System - manages agolf league. This league may be a nine holeor eighteen hole league played on a standardgolf course or on a par three or an executivetype course. It handles from four to twelve
GOLFPAK.ZIP 65,181 06-15-92 Handicap index scorekeeping/calculation.
GOLFTS20.ZIP 213,287 10-15-94 Golf Tournament Scorekeeper v2.0: Calculatesgross and net scores with established orCallaway handicap method. Outputs a sortedleader board or skins results to screen orprinter. Allows up to 10 separate flights and
GOLF_HAN.ZIP 25,353 09-09-92 Golfer's now can compute their own handicap.
MTCHPLAY.ZIP 62,524 02-14-93 MTCHPLAY (B. J. Ball; $0) allows you to trackthe scores for a 'match play' tournament themost common form of competition amongordinary golfers. C Source code included.
PERS_PRO.ZIP 140,728 04-20-92 Personal-Pro; help with golf game
PGT30.ZIP 139,756 08-23-92 PERSONAL GOLF TRACKER v3.0 <ASP>- Acomprehensive application to help golferskeep track of their scores and performance.Displays your personal best, averages on 3's,4's and 5's. Compares scores to Par, Bogey or
PGTW11.ZIP 145,443 08-22-93 Personal Golf Tracker (Windows 3.1); Golfscore database with extensive analysis ofyour golf game. Calculate handicaps,averages, scores, statistics, improvement,Points, etc. Good for individual golfers or
SCORCARD.ZIP 24,795 03-01-93 Keep track of your golf scores.
SGOLF.ZIP 62,762 06-10-93 Golf Score Board keeps track of golf scoresfo one or more players. Calculates handicapsand averages at different courses.
STATKEEP.ZIP 101,577 06-26-93 Statkeeper v1.3. Records golf scores andcours information. Generate stats includingaverages for par 3's, 4's and 5's and numberof birdies, pars and bogies.
TEAMOP12.ZIP 40,774 06-05-94 Team Optimizer 1.2 generates teams or groupsof players based on player ratings of anytype, such as golf handicaps, chess ratings,etc. Creates either groups of nearly equalplayers, or teams of nearly equal total
WGOLFH42.ZIP 213,161 11-26-94 Golf Handicapper 4.2 for Windows. Stores anynumber of scores for any number of playersand automatically calculates their index andhandicap for each game. Can be used byindividual players, teams, or entire golf